Enter the spiral
Part theater, part variety show, Straight Icons features visits from cartoon superstars, international pop stars, unhinged politicians, and late 2000s MTV dating show contestants who force Queer BFFs Anne-Marie and SMJ to confront the uncomfortable intersection of queer liberation, exploitation, and performative queerness.
Anne-Marie and SMJ are best friends who came out in their late 20s. Now with partners and a tiny bit of clarity, they try to chart their queer journeys through the straight people they loved growing up. However, they are quickly trapped in a TV by an unknown entity known as “The Spiral” who forces them to confront the uncomfortable intersection of queer liberation, exploitation, and performative queerness. A play with comedy, mime, dance, music, and drag, Straight Icons features visits from animated children’s show superstars, international pop stars, unhinged politicians, and late 2000s MTV dating show contestants.